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Jun 21, 2022

It’s June, which means it’s pride month, which means we’re all being bombarded by rainbow-festooned corporate logos. But does that really help? Or is it just another example of “woke washing,” the brand pandering that occurs when marketing and social movements collide.

The amazing Katie Martell is back with...

Jun 15, 2022

We’ve all heard them. Those iconic sounds that tell us our computer is starting, or we're about to start binge watching Netflix. They’re sometimes subtle, sometimes more obvious, but always closely associated with a brand experience.

Today we explore the power of sonic branding, with real examples and a brief...

Apr 20, 2022

The challenge with marketing is that we all think we know our products and services better than anyone. But do we? In today’s episode we learn why we need to get out of our own heads and think like our customers. The results might surprise you.

Copernican Shift - Matching Perception to Reality since...

Apr 14, 2022

We’re not always great at seeing or predicting the future, mainly because of our tendency to apply familiar (and often outdated) concepts to new ideas. We’re stuck in our well-worn business ruts, too focused on the day-to-day minutia to notice inflection points that create real opportunities for innovation. The...

Apr 12, 2022

Your business is too complex. That’s because complexity sneaks into all of our workplaces, whether we want it to or not. It’s a hidden problem that’s hurting productivity and frustrating customers. 

Keep it simple (or, at least, simpler) by focusing on the customer, and understanding what they want to buy from...